Thursday, April 12, 2018

Namaste Miami: Resurrection Post

Photo: Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
Oh, hey there Miami Yogis! What's up? It's been a while. Like 3 years, 4 months and 12 days since we last checked in with you. So what's been going on?

Well, right after our last blog post we fell in love and got married in a castle overlooking the Ligurian sea. No shit. Then we created two genetically superior beings back to back! Two of 'em! In two years! Do the math! We haven't slept in years, but that's par for the course, eh? Ehhh?? You feel us???

Well, welcome to the 7th Series of Ashtanga Yoga. THIS is what we get for slopping through all those vinyasas for all those years. So, what brings us here, you might ask? Follow the JUMP!