Thursday, February 11, 2016

Namaste Philadelphia: #MiamiFullTime to #PhillyFullTime

I am sitting here in the perfect place, at the perfect time, to begin the perfect first post to Namaste Philadelphia.

You may know me from my other blog. I come from a land of sun and warmth. On this frigid, February day I wonder why the heck I'm here. In the Northeast. In Philadelphia. In this café. Writing this blog. Let me begin.

About ten years ago I started a popular yoga blog in Miami Beach, Florida. It was an honest, satirical look at the burgeoning yoga scene happening around me. I was in my early twenties, teaching yoga and doing the things that twenty-somethings living on Miami Beach do.

Namaste Miami was born out of sheer experience and observation. My friends and I thought it was hilarious. Others... not so much.

At the height of the blog's popularity, it would generate around 3,500 unique views per day.

As time passed and yoga became much more mainstream, the fun wore off. I had been teaching yoga full-time for a little more than ten years and was burned out. Like, beyond laughing and making fun of it burned out. Clinically. Burned. Out.

I stopped blogging about a year ago. 

Fast forward through an incredibly eventful year to now and I am married, expecting my first baby and moving from #MIAMIFULLTIME to #PHILLYFULLTIME which, to say the least, will be quite the adjustment for me. There are seasons here. Everyone speaks English. People are educated.

It's like a whole other galaxy.

My husband and I still have a home in Miami Beach and plan on spending as much time as possible there. I don't know if I'll still post to Namaste Miami but I don't feel the need to write a final "goodbye" post. Hopefully, my Miami yogis will find my Philly adventures just as entertaining as my previous ones and, over time, will build a readership in Philadelphia.

The time begins now. Nice meeting you and seeing some familiar faces, too. 

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